Soccer Documentary: San Bernardino "Alive and Kicking"
If you have read my first couple of blog posts on Soccer Syndrome you surely have come to realize that I love ANYTHING to do with soccer in America. The history and growth of soccer in America is extremely fascinating to me and has been ever since my first viewing of the popular soccer documentary - Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos (2006).

One of my favorite pastimes is discovering new soccer movies and documentaries. Recently on YouTube I discovered yet another excellent film - San Bernardino "Alive and Kicking", from Jared Sagal. Sagal is the director of another soccer documentary - Young Ronaldo. At first glance this film seems like just your ordinary movie documenting the creation of a fourth tier professional team in San Bernardino, CA. Being from California myself I was immediately drawn to the film, within the first 10 minutes however I realized that this is actually two stories in one. Besides the story of the people who started Southern California Sports Club and the formula they used to create an NPSL team from scratch is also another deeper tale, a tale of a community trying to rally together in memory of 14 people who lost their lives in a senseless act of terrorism back in 2015.
I highly recommend this documentary and am anxious to see any future soccer related films by ROCKERRAZZI.